How Can You Develop Good Password Habits?

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In today’s connected world we often have dozens of online accounts – whether it be for banking, shopping, work, or entertainment. But it often seems like every time we turn around another service was compromised or there’s an attempt to hack into accounts. So what can you do to keep your accounts safe and secure? 

It all starts with good password hygiene.  Imagine your password as the first line of defense in a never-ending battle against cyber threats. Weak, easily guessable passwords are akin to leaving your front door wide open for potential intruders. On the other hand, strong passwords serve as formidable barriers, deterring hackers and ensuring your online accounts remain safe.

Here are some key attributes of strong passwords:

  • Length: Longer passwords are harder to crack. Aim for at least 12 characters, if not more.

  • Complexity: A strong password includes a mix of character types - uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

  • Uniqueness: Never reuse passwords across multiple accounts. Each login credential should be distinct.

  • Randomness: Avoid easily guessable information like birthdays, names, or common words.

Creating strong passwords manually for each of your online accounts can be a daunting task, which is where password managers come into play. Password managers are your trusty sidekicks in the fight for online security. Here's why they're indispensable:

  • Complex Password Generation: Password managers can generate complex, random, and virtually uncrackable passwords for you. No more struggling to think up a unique password for each account; your password manager handles it effortlessly.

  • One-Stop Storage: Forget the days of scribbling passwords on sticky notes or using the same one across multiple sites. Password managers securely store all your login credentials in one place, easily accessible when needed.

  • Auto-Fill: These tools automatically fill in your login information, making the login process seamless and secure. You won't even have to remember your passwords; your manager does it for you.

  • Enhanced Security: Password managers often include features like two-factor authentication (2FA) and biometric login, adding an extra layer of security.

  • Password Updates: They can also remind you to update your passwords regularly, reducing the risk of a breach due to outdated credentials.

In the digital age, strong passwords and password managers are your allies in the battle against cyber threats. They provide a secure and convenient way to protect your valuable online assets. By using strong, unique passwords and harnessing the capabilities of password managers, you can fortify your online defenses and browse the internet with confidence, knowing that your digital fortress is well-guarded.

Please contact us if you have questions about good password habits!

Adam Evans, CISSP

About Adam Evans, CISSP

Adam is a seasoned cybersecurity professional with more than a decade of experience in the MSP industry. He started his career as a helpdesk engineer and worked his way up through various technical roles to specialize in cybersecurity – specifically GRC, security architecture, and defensive operations. 

Adam is passionate about sharing his expertise and insights with the next generation of security professionals. He believes that by working together and sharing knowledge, we can make the world a safer and more secure place for everyone.

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