Buy my book this Thursday!

Bob's BookOk, my book “A CEO’s Survival Guide to Information Technology” is out.  As in done.  Published.  Available.But don’t buy it until this Thursday (Feb 1st).My goal is to reach “bestseller status” which would help get the word out to small-medium business owners about Information Technology topics like Cyber Security threats, why backups are the most critical line of defense and what models of IT support make the most sense for their business.I need your help.  The more people who buy the book through Amazon this Thursday, the closer I am to achieving Best Seller status.  Not Wednesday.  Not Friday.  This Thursday.We’ve selected this Thursday, February 1st.  We’re asking people to go to Amazon any time that day and purchase the book.If you buy your book on Amazon this Thursday and forward your email receipt to we’ll reward you both personally and improve your zen-standing in the universe (very important I hear).First?  We’ll send you a $5 Starbucks gift certificate.  Good for…well, Starbucks.Second?  We’ll donate all profit (about $6) from your purchase to Blast Glioblastoma, a non-profit organization in Akron raising money for brain tumor research (  Normally we’re donating 50% (or $3) per book, by the way.Now this is limited to one book, one purchase, one reward.  If two people want the book and they can’t share?  No problem, each person buys their own copy, and forward me both receipts.  2 Starbucks coupons, 2 donations.You’ll be getting a great book (yeah, I’m biased…), some coffee and help fight cancer.By the way, I’d also really appreciate if you could take a moment and review the book on Amazon as well.  Yeah, I’m really needy these days.Can’t wait until Thursday?  That’s ok.  Neither could I<g>.A CEO's Survival Guide to Information Technology


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