Employee Spotlight - Doug Tombow

What’s your role at Simplex-IT and when were you hired?I head up the data management operations at Simplex-IT.  Became an employee sometime during the summer of 2010 as part of a large client project.What’s a typical day like for you at work?First thing is ‘how is everything?’.  Simplex-IT offers monitoring of client’s networks as well as data management resources, such as SQL Servers.  Those servers usually send us operational reports, alerts, etc.  Things that require attention now.  Then it’s on to scheduled projects as well as accommodating anything that ‘pops-up’ throughout the day.  It’s uncanny, but Mondays are notorious for systems issues – even though the servers usually had the weekend off! 😊What has been your favorite project at Simplex-IT?My favorite project(s) are development work such as data warehouses, reporting solutions, etc.  Keeping mission critical servers running is fun but there is nothing quite as satisfying as building something to make someone’s life easier.  Something that makes a tedious job so easy people actually want to do it because it is so easy now.What did you do before Simplex-IT?I actually have a degree in Accounting and used to work as an auditor.  Counting inventory in cold warehouses, ‘ticking and tying’, frightening clients by asking ‘may I see the details on this…’  But then I fell in love with IT and have pursued it ever since.  I’ve worked at various consulting companies over the years but the mission has always been very similar.  Make things easier, more reliable, faster/cheaper/better.What do you like to do outside of work?I enjoy outdoor activities, nearly anything that doesn’t involve looking at a computer screen.  Believe it or not painting and yard work is quite satisfying!  Probably because it means we have good weather hear in NorthEast Ohio.  Other fun activities include visiting the MetroParks, photography, roller blading, tennis and … dreaming of surfing in Hawaii.


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