Employee Spotlight - Kevin Dutkiewicz

What’s your role at Simplex-IT and when were you hired?Officially, Technology Director. That translates to both direct support to our customers and then long term strategic decisions for Simplex-IT. I was hired in May 2010.What’s a typical day like for you at work?There are no typical days, every day is different!What has been your favorite project at Simplex-IT?Nothing specific but generally speaking it’s our onboarding projects. It usually involves learning about a new environment and then coming up with a plan to integrate them in to our managed services. Some of the networks we have inherited boggle the mind how they function!What did you do before Simplex-IT?I was a system and network admin for a large medical device manufacturing company in northeast Ohio. Daily responsibilities boiled down to keeping all aspects of technology functioning.What do you like to do outside of work?I usually spend my time tinkering with makerspace IoT microcontrollers or designing projects with my 3D printer. 


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