Bob: Speaking, Travelling, Writing...and Cover Boy???

One of the most influential magazines in our industry is called “ChannelPro”, which includes “IT and Business Insights for SMB Solution Providers”.  It’s been around for near as long as we have (which is about a dozen years).  And unlike many other publications you don’t buy your way onto the cover.Yup.  I’m now a cover boy, for the September issue.  They even sent a professional photographer out to get a couple of pictures for the magazine.  Click here to see the online magazine.Yup.  Of me.  Obviously, the services provided by the photographer included PhotoShop.The reason why I was asked is because of the interest in our Co-Managed IT services program (CoMITs).  I’ve been asked to speak on it near and far.A week ago, I spoke to about 45 MSP’s about it in Nashville.  In a couple of weeks my wife and I will be heading out to Paris (hint:  not Texas) to speak at DattoCon: Paris.  To round out the month I’ll be heading down to Orlando and speaking at IT Nation.I’ll also be speaking in Cleveland towards the end of the month on Business Intelligence at the Ohio Society of CPA’s annual accounting show.To be clear, this is unusual to have this many speaking engagements in one month.  I need to be careful not to take my eye off the ball, which is running and leading Simplex-IT.  But there’s no question that my second book “The MSP’s Survival Guide to Co-Managed IT services” has hit a nerve in our industry.  Click here to see that book.We’ll see what happens with my 3rd book.  It’s much smaller (about 45 pages) and actually has a lot of information from the MSP book from a different perspective.  This makes it much easier to write (first draft is already done).  I hope to have that out towards the end of November.Earlier in September, we partnered with PNC to host a cyber fraud seminar.  PNC talked Bank Fraud, Simplex-IT discussed cyber security.  We tried to stay away from the doom and gloom of imminent destruction but kept on target by defining the dangers facing small-medium businesses.  Later in September I traveled down to Cincinnati to talk to about 40 or so accounting-type folks about BI and the use of Information for SMB organizations.On the local front, we’re putting together our 4th QCT (Quarterly Client Training) event for next week.  This client-only event is turning into a really great event for both us and our clients.  One of the challenges for organizations these days is to actually understand all of the features and options they already have and own.  The QCT gives us a great opportunity to sit down with our clients and make sure they’re taking advantage of all the pieces/parts we provide.  It also gives clients a chance to learn from each other what works and how.  Great stuff.  Click here for more information.On October 17th I’ll be speaking to the AITP (Association of IT Professionals, formally DPMA and now part of CompTIA).  My topic is “3 Things to Improve Internal IT Ops for Small to Medium Businesses”.  It’s aimed at IT Directors and Managers of Small-to-Medium Organizations.  Click here for more information on that.  This is actually (for us) a bit of a dry run for an event we’re planning in November.In November I’ll be heading down to Columbus to give a talk on BI followed by another talk, this time on Cognitive Thinking skills.  I’m really looking forward to that one.On November 14th we’ll be having our first event aimed at Internal IT folks.  The goal of this isn’t to discuss or sell CoMITs.  The goal of this event is to talk about ways that Internal IT folks can improve their operations without bringing in consultants.  Click here for more information on that one.In December I’ll be back in Orlando for another (different) conference to present.  January?  New York City.  February?  Washington DC and Long Beach, California.In addition, this month sees our Q3 results and sets the stage for our goals in Q4.Busy times, my friends.  Busy times. 


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