Kicking the New Year off right with Simplex-IT’s Quarterly Client Training

We all think of goals, resolutions and/or new beginnings when we hear Happy New Year.  This year several of our clients decided to allow Simplex-IT to be a part of helping set new goals for strengthening their businesses.  On January 16th we hosted our Q1 client training which focused on important topics relevant to current events in the IT industry.  Cyber Security is a HUGE issue today and we believe knowledge is power. Our clients learned how to go about ensuring their employees are doing their part to protect the business from cyberattacks.  Remember, it only takes one click to open yourself up to vulnerability.  We took it a step further and reviewed the importance of protecting and well managing the remote workforce.  This is a sector of many businesses that gets overlooked and can cause many risks to the business if not handled with security in mind.   Finally, with the New Year comes change and Simplex-IT has a new remote monitoring tool that many of our clients utilize.  We shared the details of this new tool and gave an opportunity for training and questions. It was a busy day of learning at Simplex-IT and that’s what we like to see.  As we’ve said before, the QCT’s are all about you as our client and we need your feedback to keep this opportunity going.  We are asking you tell us…  What do you want to know more about in the IT industry? What topics do you feel will benefit your company most? The biggest question of all is… what would get your attention and/or what can we do differently so you will attend a QCT in the future?  Keep in mind, if you’re on the fence or feel you just don’t have time, we are flexible.  If you can’t stay long or need to arrive latethat’s ok with us!  We want you to take advantage of the time you have to give and make it work for you.  Email Michelle Brugmann at with your feedback, suggestions, comments or questions.  COMING UP:  See you on April 15th for Q2!  Discussion topics to be announced based on your feedback and suggestions!     


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