Simplex-IT Report Card for Q1 2018

Simplex-ITBack in January (click here) I put together a list of goals for Simplex-IT to achieve in Q1 of 2018. To be honest, I got a lot of positive feedback both internally and externally. It really helped us focus on our tasks at hand, and I received several compliments from customers who liked to know what we were looking to do.Well, our grades are in. How’d we do in Q1?

Technical Service:

  • Dispatch. Heather Gezzar joined us in early March. We’re not done implementing the new processes, but we’re well underway (which is where we wanted to be). So I’ll give this one a thumbs up!
  • Quarterly Business Reviews (QBR’s). Meh. We’re still not doing this as frequently as I’d like. Part of it is honestly, most customers don’t seem to want to meet with me quarterly. Those who know me should see this as no surprise. We’re looking to rebrand this as a “Technology Business Review (TBR)" and set expectations as to frequency with new customers as part of our onboarding process. Give this an incomplete.
  • Server patching. We’re pretty far along in formalizing this (which is where we wanted to be). I’ll take a thumbs up here.
  • SmileBack. All completed tickets now generate a request for feedback from the customer. It's fully implemented, and we’re getting some great feedback from our customers, including ways that we can improve (and a lot more kudos to our techs from happy customers). Thumbs up here!
  • Tech KPI’s. We’re on track for tracking that which we track. Thumbs up for this.
  • Workflow Rules. We’ve implemented some changes, but there needs to be more. Give this an incomplete.
  • Workstation patching. Our new workstation patching policies prevented a bad patch from going to everybody. Thumbs up here!

New Services:

  • Cyber Insurance. We gave a webinar on this, but really haven’t taken the next steps to talk with customers. Thumbs down on this (in terms of us getting it out there, the offer is pretty cool).
  • Training Services. A bit more progress than Cyber Insurance, but a ways to go. Great feedback, but we haven’t fully implemented it yet (although there are positive signs). Mark it incomplete! Click here for info about our free Windows 10 course.


  • Book. It’s out there, so thumbs up!
  • Google AdWords. We’re working with AdWords, but so far the results have been disappointing. So mark it as incomplete.
  • Virtual Reality. Great webinar, great presenter! Thumbs up!
  • Partner Webinars. Boy, this has been great. Presenting to several organizations about Cyber Security and other topics both in person and online. Is there such a thing as double thumbs up?


  • Invoice reminders. Finally, I’m not embarrassed to talk about our accounting. Thumbs up!
  • New Payment Portal. The feedback we get from our customers about our portal has been nothing but positive. We need to get more customers on board with it, but for now I’ll just give it a thumbs up.

Q1 is done...Q2?

We’ll be putting out our Q2 goals once we’ve reviewed them internally. Stay tuned!Contact me at if you've any questions about any of this!  


Employee Spotlight - Michelle Brugmann


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