Simplex-IT Goals for Q2 18

Simplex-IT Staff 2017Ok, the Q1 goals worked out pretty well, so here comes Q2. It helped us internally focus on making sure we were making progress on the things we decided were important, and it gave us a nice conversation with our customers (and, oddly, our competitors) as to what we’re up to. We decided (with very little conversation, actually) that the benefit outweighed the risk, so we’re continuing the process.As we mentioned in this article (click here), we did pretty well with our Q1 goals. Not 100%, but pretty darn close. Honestly if we would have hit 100% I would have concluded that we didn’t aim high enough.Ok, let’s get right to it! Simplex-IT's goals for Q2 2018 are:

Technical Service:

  • Additional Tech. We’re going to be adding an additional Level II technician to our staff. We just posted the ads this weekend. By our estimation it takes a bit over two months from this point to where a new employee is starting to have a positive impact in productivity.
  • Standard Project Definitions completed. We’re defining our most common projects (ie, onboarding, server migration) and creating more defined project definitions as starting points.
  • BDR Refresh. We will be refreshing several of the Backup and Disaster Recovery devices with either complete new hardware or at least updated/increased storage.
  • Dispatcher fully implemented


  • Golf Outings. We’re going to try our hand at sponsoring a couple of golf outings, as only Simplex-IT can do. We’re formalizing our plans and identifying a couple of outings over the course of the summer. We’ve got 2 outings identified and might be looking for a 3rd. Are you putting together a golf outing that will have attendees that might want to learn about Simplex-IT. Let know. And don’t worry, it won’t be a boring sales pitch in the middle of a course…you know us better than that!
  • Facebook Experiment. We actually started this last quarter, but it’s not done. We’re trying a program to do some advertising of our Managed Services through Facebook. It’s been an…eye-opening experience. More when we’re done.
  • Multiple simultaneous advertising campaigns. We started this year approaching 200 new companies per month with an advertising campaign to introduce them to Simplex-IT (so 600 in all). We’re now combining that with follow-up campaigns. I won’t go into details…but it involves ducks.
  • Marketing and Sales Coordinator. Didn’t really want to do this one, but Kayla Chambers is moving on (and we wish her the best). We’re looking to fill her shoes, which won’t be easy (already checked, my feet are waaay bigger than hers).


  • Sales Person Onboard. We’re looking to add our first full-time outside sales person since John Harrow retired about 4 years ago. This person should be on board by end of Q2, with training underway.

You might notice this is a tad smaller list than last quarter. That’s no accident. Honestly, we’re onboarding a lot more business this quarter and have more projects (especially 365 migrations and server upgrades) for existing clients. And I want to keep this list challenging, but doable.Thoughts? Email me at, I love feedback!   


Hiring Times, not Tiring Times


Welcome Simplex-IT's Dispatch Coordinator, Heather Gezzar