Hiring Times, not Tiring Times

Bob up a mountainWoof. In the 10 years that Simplex-IT, I think there was one time we were hiring two people at the same time. And I think it was an intern and a tech position (if memory serves).So, what’s going on now (starting with hiring):

  • Adding a new Sales Person position. We’ve been moving slowly in this direction for the past two years. Marketing plans are in place, with well-defined leads (thanks to Patti, Kayla and Rob). The tech side can support a more fluid and consistent flow of new business. And we have a better handle on the onboarding process for new customers and for new techs. So it’s time.
  • Added a new Dispatcher position. We’re at the point where we needed someone whose role it was to make sure that phone calls got answered and tickets were assigned and scheduled. Heather just joined our growing gang in March, and she’s already making a difference. And boy, does she fit in.
  • Adding a new Level II Technician. We’re going to need a new technician within the next 3 months. So we start looking for one now. Sounds like…what’s the word?...planning.
  • Replacing a Sales and Marketing Coordinator. Remember Kayla? Mentioned her earlier? Well, she’s moving on to a great opportunity, and we wish her all the best. But we’re going to be looking to fill that position.

In addition to that, we’ve filled not one but two summer intern positions here (starting in…wait for it…the summer). We’ll introduce you to those folks later. And yes, the positions are both filled (sorry for those who wanted to get some great experience working with the techs here at Simplex-IT).And just who are these fine (if rather peculiar) people here at Simplex-IT? Well, we're finally admitting who we are with the new "Our Team" section on the website.The nice stuff about all of the above is this is all about controlled growth here. We’re finally at a point where it looks like we almost know what we’re doing in terms of business development. We’re setting KPI (Key Performance Indicator) goals and pretty much either hitting them or we know why we missed and we fix the issue.Nowhere is the impact clearer than on my brain. Ten years ago, I was a geek that started a company. A few years ago, I would make the claim that “I’m a Business Owner that’s also a geek.” Now?I’m a business owner.To be sure, I can still geek it out. Just maybe not “with the best of ‘em.” And that is so absolutely 100% no problem here ok with me.‘Cuz I’ve got people. And processes. And systems. And metrics. And rubber squishy things I can squeeze when needed<g>.That’s why we now have quarterly goals (that we share publicly). I’ve also got annual as well as monthly goals (that I’m not as free with). And we’re doing pretty well (so far) with them.Is it tiring? Yup, but it’s a good kinda tired. And I’ll take that kind of tired any day of the week. 


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Simplex-IT Goals for Q2 18