Welcome Back Alec Barker

Hello! My name is Alec Barker, and I am an intern at Simplex-IT. I am currently a student at the University of Mount Union, where I study Multi-Platform Software Development. I previously worked as an intern at a camouflage fabric company, where I sorted test pieces and documented them.Since this is my second summer working at Simplex, I’m glad to see everyone again, as well as meet some of the new employees. They are all very kind and knowledgeable in their fields. They’ve taught me how to do a few IT-related tasks that I otherwise wouldn’t have learned.In my free time, I like to hone my video game skills. Not to brag or anything, but one time I got past the first level of Pac-Man, so I guess you could say that I’m a master at gaming. I also watch way too many movies and read some books from time to time.I look forward to working here again with everyone!


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