Simplex-IT’s goals for Q3 2018

IoTIt's Goal time again!

Ok, it’s time for our 3rd installment of our quarterly goals.  I’ve been increasingly moving our goal settings into our day-to-day operations, and I think we’re seeing positive results.  Spoiler alert:  We’re not reaching 100% of our goals.  Honestly I’m ok with that.  If we hit all of ‘em out of the park, then honestly our goals are just too easy.  That said, there are a few I wish we would have done better on.  That said, we’re making progress on all of them.So, moving forward.  This quarter is the first time that I didn’t set all of the goals.  The Executive Team did.  It’s pretty simple.  They’re the ones who know better than I what needs to be done in their area, and how we would measure it.  So I met with folks from Technical operations, Marketing and Sales individually to review their goals, and then they each presented their goals to a meeting of the Executive Team.  We made sure we’re all on the same page, and discussed what we would need from each other to maximize our chances of achieving all of our goals, and what the highest risks would be.One item.  Our Sales and Executive Goals were still drawn up by me.  Ok, the Exec goals will continue to be by me, that’s not going away soon.  But starting next quarter, our Sales goals will be driven by our new Sales Executive who starts later this month.  More on him in a week or so.

Executive Goals

  • Implement Goal sharing.  Starting with Quarterly Goals created by members of the Executive Team, communicate through Exec staff progress throughout the quarter, including obstacles or (if necessary) goal modifications.  This includes holding all management (especially that wacko Coppedge<g>) accountable.
  • Improve Cash Flow.  Cut down turnaround time from customer placing order to closed invoice to billing.
  • Confirm some CoMITs (Co-Managed IT services).  Several customers are working under old Silver agreements whereas CoMITs makes more sense for their IT needs.

Technical Services:

  1.  Onboarding Process.  Formalize and document a new process to follow when bringing on new clients, given a 30-day implementation timeframe.
  2. Increase management structure in Technical Services.  Better define roles and process for operational management of Technical Services (what responsibilities will be handed off and to whom)
  3. Operational Metrics/Procedures.  Improve upon our current metrics.  Further decrease time spent on individual tickets and increase our overall closure rate
  4. Client Maintenance Process.  Backup/Security/Workstation/Server.  Further define this process in incorporate new technicians as they come into the foldSee an overall improvement in efficiency all maintenance areas, and better adapt new technicians and process flow into the reporting for the current metrics.

Marketing Goals

  1. Three mailing campaigns and follow-ups at once.  Add an additional mailing campaign to the Godfather and Sitting Duck Survivors. Starting in July, we’ll send the survivors an Aspirin letter and make 5 follow-up calls. This is the first month we will be incorporating a third mailing/call campaign.
  2. CyberSecurity Seminar.  This is a continuation of the planning that started in June. The goal for July includes the daily social media marketing, email marketing, phone call follow-ups, room and lunch preparations, the actual event, and follow-ups after the event.
  3. Secret Project:  Another Secret project.
  4. Client appreciation party.  Plan and host a Client Appreciation Party at a different venue.  Since 2008 we’ve had Anniversary picnics at our office.  Time to try something new!

Sales Goals

  1. 3 new MRR Clients onboarded with new process.  Bring on 3 new MRR clients fully onboarded (using 30-day process).
  2. Create initial Playbook and Sales Playbook.  Formalize and begin on improvements of processes currently used for use with new Sales Executive.
  3. Rehash project.  Project involving rehashing.  ‘Nuff said publicly<g>.

Some of these things might seem a bit cryptic.  In some cases, it’s because they’re internal processes that quite honestly I’m not interested in sharing publicly.  In other cases it’s because….shhhhhh….it’s a surprise<g>!But come what may, I promise you that in 3 months I’ll be back telling you how we did.  And what we’re going to do in Q4.'Cuz that's how we do things around is welcome, email me here


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