Employee Spotlight - Heather Gezzar

What’s your role at Simplex-IT and when were you hired?My role is the dispatch Coordinator and I was hired March 5th 2018What’s a typical day like for you at work?I use excellent customer service to communicate with our clients, make new service tickets, perform basic office skills and delegate our service ticket work load to our awesome service techs.What has been your favorite project at Simplex-IT?Right now, I am working on how to classify different entities in the program we use to record and manage our tickets. This involves collaboration with our techs to better distinguish what makes up that classification. This whole process is teaching me a ton and helping me better familiarize myself with the tech language.What did you do before Simplex-IT?I was a leasing agent for an apartment community where I learned the importance of working for a team and how to be a good leader. I also served 4 years in the United States Navy where I learned how to be independent and grateful for my many freedoms I have today.What do you like to do outside of work?I spend time with my amazing family, go on mini vacations, go hiking, swimming and spend each day living it to the fullest. 


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