Welcome John McCarthy

My Roll:  I was brought on for sales. Since Bob was one of my partners with a vendor, I received the Simplex-IT newsletter and saw that there was an opening, so I sent Bob an email. Despite my working with Simplex-IT previously I was hired anyway.My Typical day:  I have been here for 4 days, ask me in a week or 2.Favorite project:  So far it has been understanding everything that Simplex-IT does for our clients. I am also understanding the tools that we and our clients use in the commission of their day. I promise to rewrite this in a year after I have been here awhile.What I did before:  I have been in sales since the late 80’s. I have sold a lot of different products but most of them have been technical in service, hardware or software so Simplex-IT does a little of all of those things which should make it easier for me to catch on.  I have worked with a large software company and I have owned a hardware sales and service company so you may find that I know a wide aspect of small to medium business needs and will understand much of what our clients are going through on a day to day basis.What about outside of work:  When I am not at work I try to be golfing in good weather (which, I am afraid, has done nothing to help my handicap) and doing nothing in poor winter weather.  I have developed some skill in woodworking over the last 30 years or so, enough that I could open a furniture shop.  People don’t always like the same things that I do in furniture so I have no shop to avoid fighting with potential clients. I also do enjoy photography though I don’t have as much time to take pictures and manage them through Photoshop so I am slipping from that hobby a bit but the time will come when I will become more active again. If clients or prospects want to try themselves against me in golf, give me a call at 234-380-1277 x-503 and I will let you take a shot at me. I am looking forward to my new life at Simplex. 


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