Simplex-IT Q4 2018 Goals

IoTGoal Setting time!

Here we go again!  It’s time to communicate to you all our Q4 goals and objectives.  This quarter is a little different in that the goals were set up by the heads of each of the divisions (prior to this one goals were primarily set by CEO Bob Coppedge).  Goals were reviewed with Bob, and then with the entire Management team.You’ll notice a trend throughout 2018.  Simplex-IT is growing up.  Fast.  But we’re dedicated to the transformation from a small IT consulting firm to a mid-sized regional MSP industry leader without the angst and turnover that happens so frequently.  This has been a very transformational process, and thankfully everybody has been incredibly supportive.Btw, some of the details are going to be slightly hidden.  I mean, we’re not sharing everything, ok?Ok, enough of that…let’s get to the goals!

Executive Q4 Goals:

  1. Implement a formalized CoMITs (Co-Managed IT services) program.  Deploy this program, including a formal full-day of training at Simplex-IT office.  Half day for all SiMS customers, half for all CoMITs customers.  To be repeated quarterly.
  2. 2019 Goals defined formally.
    1. Hold planning meeting with Management Team
    2. Define 2019 Executive Goal document by 1 Nov
    3. Review with Management team by 1 Dec
    4. 2019 Company Goals by 1 Jan
  3. Begin formal Management training structure deployment.  All four area (Executive, Operations, Marketing, Sales) to have initial plans/definitions in place.
  4. Redefine Chart of Accounts, for better definitions of costing and profitability.

Operational Q4 Goals

  1. Ticket Priority Identification. Categorize ticketing categorization.  Establish ConnectWise impact/urgency guidelines to determine overall ticket priority for alerts
  2. Creation of new Service Boards for Technician Assigned Duties. Won’t go into the specifics here (quasi secret sauce).
  3. Inventory Implementation. Reduce the amount of time spent looking for and researching pricing on various types of hardware housed at Simplex-IT for resale or check-out.
  4. Expand the new technician onboard training process. Improve the onboarding process and ramp up time for new technicians.

Marketing Q4 Goals

  1. 2019 Marketing Plan and Budget. Develop marketing plan and budget for next year, including projected lead count, drip campaigns, and special projects. Develop better tracking for planned vs. actual leads.
  2. Four campaigns at once. Think 3 campaigns per month was impressive?  How about 4.
  3. Revise marketing booklet with new photos and text edits.
  4. Website refresh. Time to update content, verify services are listed, condense wording, use new photos from photoshoot.
  5. Marketing Leads. Specific number goals for new leads in Q4 (secret sauce).
  6. This is the first year we’ll be sponsoring the BizConCle show. We’ll have a 10 x 10 booth and Bob will be speaking at a breakout session. Develop booth theme and Bob’s speaking event preparations. Track leads and follow-up, following documented processes from OSCPA shows.
  7. Dark Web Day Campaign. Keep your eyes peeled, you’ll know it when you see it.

Sales Q4 Goals:

  1. Rehash all old lost opportunities.  Reach out to companies that spoke with us (and said “no”) over the past 3-5 years to see if there are new opportunities to re-engage.
  2. Get John started on initial pitch/data gathering processes.  Yup, get Bob out of that initial process.
  3. Specific goals of new MRR sales completed.  Sales goals.  As American as selling you an apple pie.

So there you go!  Yup, we’re biting off a big chunk of that apple.  Too much?  Check in after New Year’s, and we’ll see!   


Play-Doh, Clams, CoMITs, management plans and liberal arts


Simplex-IT Report Card for Q3 18 Goals