Recap: Quarterly Client Training 1.0

Hi everyone, Michelle Brugmann here. Well our first Quarterly Client Training aka QCT 1.0 is now in the books.  We were extremely pleased with the attendance, how well the day went and the feedback we received.  The day started off with a light breakfast and a welcome from Bob. As we worked our way into our training topics from ConnectWise Manage, to BiggerBrains, Sophos, Office 365 and CoMITs just to name a few, the theme of the day became evident.  Our geeky efforts to put a spin on the day consisted of StarTrek themed t-shirts and 3D printed communicators. Our StarTrek fans will get the pun as all of the participants received red shirts stating that they survived the first QCT Away Mission 1.0!For many of us at Simplex-IT it was our very first time presenting in front of an audience and I must say I’m glad we did it!  It brought many of us outside of our comfort zone and it was empowering.  In reflection, I think empowerment was the real theme of the day. Hopefully we empowered our attending clients to become more engaged with their IT.  As a whole, Simplex-IT wants to work with you to plan ahead into the future by offering out a personalized Technical Business Review (TBR).  It is vital for our clients to be aware of the services we have to offer, to better understand the tools, processes and procedures we use for support every day.  We will continue to strive to be the “Cool Guys” in IT by offering out these unique training sessions to strengthen our client relationships.  Hope to see you at the next QCT coming in the spring![wooslider slider_type="attachments" limit="10" thumbnails="default"]


Bob's Reading List for 2018


The lowdown on cloud security