Simplex-IT Goal Results for Q1 2019

IoTIt’s the end of Q1 for 2019, and that means…a review of our quarterly goals!  Yes, it’s that much fun.  If by fun you mean holding yourself accountable for what you plan to get done.As we’ve said many times, we started publicizing our quarterly goals in Q1 2018.  Throughout the year we’d publicize what we hope to accomplish (in terms of advancing the organization) at the beginning of the quarter.  We’d then follow it up with a report card at the end.Why do this?  Two simple reasons.  Accountability and Transparency.  Both are critical to our core competencies and “who we are” in terms of brand.So let’s get to it!

Executive Q1 Goals:

  1. My next book, “An MSP’s Survival Guide to Co-Managed IT services” is done with the first draft. I’m hoping that it’ll see the light of day by late May.  So give this an incomplete, but happy with the progress so far.  And yup, there’s going to be a 3rd book.  Sooner than later, I’m afraid.
  2. 1st phase EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) management structure implementation. We’ve brought in a coach, and we’ve spent 2 full days offsite developing a stronger management team and structure.  I’ll give me a nailed it on this one.
  3. Finish CoMITs configuration. Yeah, we finally implemented the technical side of the ticketing for our customers (so the IT folks can actually manage and track their own tickets) within the past week.  And it’s going to be a big part of the Quarterly Client Training day later this week.  So I’m going us an incomplete, but we should be done within the next week or so.

Operational Q1 Goals:

  1. Ticket Priority Identification. Completed for as far as we’re going to take this program 1st half of 2019.  You’ll realize why in Q3.
  2. Inventory Implementation. Progress?    Completed?  Not quite.
  3. The new technician onboarding process has been partially implemented, should finish up in Q2.
  4. Implemented the Amazon Purchase Tracking accounts. Done!

Marketing Q1 Goals:

  1. CoMITs branding test event.  We wanted to go out and “push” our CoMITs at an event.  Mission accomplished.
  2. InfusionSoft Sherpa program.  Done with this (a couple of small cleanup items, otherwise complete).
  3. Integrate LinkedIn for all mailing campaigns.  We’re now including a certain level of LinkedIn activity with our Marketing campaigns.  Done.

Sales Q1 Goals:

  1. Sales goals.  Yup, we reached our sales goals for the quarter.
  2. Bob out of 75% of initial calls.  John is handling more and more of the initial calls.  We’re not quite to 75%, but we’re on our way.  Give it an incomplete, but a good one<g>.

Other Accomplishments:

  • Add a new Level 1 technician (Steve)
  • Set the stage for adding a new Level 3 technician in April.
  • Was a semi-finalist out of about 1,000 MSP’s for a national award.
  • Spoke about Co-Managed IT services at MSP World in Austin.
  • Spoke about Co-Managed IT services at SQL Saturday in Cleveland.
  • Held another successful video arcade bar social event.
  • Held a successful Lunchinar talking about Microsoft plans for new and old technologies.
  • Started the process of adding more office space (a side effect of that whole growing thing).
  • Near real-time technician performance metrics constantly displayed on screens at the office.

Each quarter we want to be able to point at concrete measurable steps that we’re making to improve Simplex-IT and, more importantly, the experience we give our clients.  And I think we’re doing a reasonable job.Next up?  Goals for Q2! 


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