Busy and not fooling

SpaceIt’s April 1st.  There’s snow on the ground.  It’s Cleveland.  It won't stop snowing until there's a home Indians game with snow.It's science, people.In the past month I’ve spoken in Nashville and Austin at different conferences about Co-Managed IT services.  I’ve completed the first draft of the book (still on target for May-June release).  Had quarterly meeting with the Management team here at Simplex-IT.  Got ready for our next QcT (Quarterly Client Training) event coming later this week (ok, Michelle and the techs did a majority of that work, but still...).Met with several companies that are using our services, making sure we’re doing a good job.  Met with several companies about them joining our parade (some said yes, I might add).  Finalized details about our next addition to our happy family (in April).Watched as our Sales and Marketing folks delivered about 60 pies for Pi Day (our 3rd annual celebration).  Question:  Should we continue celebrating Pi Day as we’re doing, or move it around a bit?  Part of the fun behind Pi Day was that it was unexpected.  Should we find another similar day to celebrate next year, or keep a good thing going?Dealt with our real estate challenge by adding another 1,000 square feet to our office area, probably done in April.Getting ready for some long-term projects.  Making sure our Q2 goals are in place (ok, the rest of the Management Team really did that part).  Q2 is going to be the “prep” time for Q3 and Q4.  Significant changes are going to be happening here between June and December.  And that’s a good thing.One of our “goals” is to make organizational changes before they’re critical.  We really started that mantra about 4-5 years ago, with what we lovingly call “Simplex-IT 2.0”.  And our changes in 2018 we were calling “Simplex-IT 3.0”.I think by the end of 2019 “Simplex-IT 3.5” will be in pretty good shape.  The changes?  In terms of what we do, actually not much will change.  In terms of how we do it…boy, there’s the fun.  We’re implementing significant changes that will make us more responsive, more secure, more consistent.  There will be additional tools, features, services added.  And significant improvements to our existing ones.It’s going to be interesting.Next month we’ve got our QcT 2.0 (Winter is coming).  I’ll be doing a State version of the DC Fly-In, heading down to Columbus for COSE’s “Day at the Capitol”.  We’ll have a booth set up as one of the sponsors for Manufacturing Works’ annual Membership Luncheon.  And Tech Director Kevin and I will be heading off for Sophos’ annual partner conference.  And our management team will spend our 3rd day this year off site working on our EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) implementation.Investments for the future, both in terms of marketing, product and internal structure.  Eye on the current operations.Busy as usual.


Time to migrate to Azure, SQL Server 2008 users


Q2 Goals for 2019