Bob's a Genius! (Just for July though)

A few years ago, Simplex-IT embarked on a journey to formalize our marketing efforts. A huge part of this included becoming members of The Technology Marketing Toolkit by Robin Robins. We've learned a lot from this group, mainly to just get moving and implement! So we did. We started mailing campaigns. We started call campaigns. We put on seminars and joint venture speaking sessions. We wrote books (ok, not "we", that was all Bob!) We participated in contests and won awards. And this month, Simplex-IT was honored by Robin Robins by naming Bob her "Genius of the Month." It means the world to us to be acknowledge for our hard work on the marketing side of things.Of course, in true Simplex-IT fashion, we took this very seriously, and posted the announcement in a very special place in our office. Check it out.Congrats to Bob and the Marketing team which includes Rob, Alex, Donna and Patti.


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