Breakfast Seminar: Are You a Sitting Duck for Cyber Crime?


Cyber Security.  It’s easy to talk about fear and how vulnerable you are.  How about we actually talk about what you can and should be doing about it??  Join us as we look at the different cyber-security attacks small businesses are currently facing AND what you should be doingCyber-attacks are going to constantly be changing and maturing.  So does your cyber-security strategy! 

DURING THIS SEMINAR YOU’LL DISCOVER (kick off the fear music):
  • The scary risks of mobile and cloud computing – critical policies, procedures and protections EVERY business must have in place NOW to protect themselves; overlook even one and you’re exposing yourself to security breaches, damaging and expensive litigation, employment lawsuits and having confidential company information exposed to competitors, hackers and cyber criminals. 
  • The #1 security threat to your business that anti-virus, firewalls and other security protocols are defenseless to. 
  • A SHOCKING truth about ransomware most businesses don’t know about that could cost you dearly. 
  • Why firewalls and anti-virus software give you a false sense of security – and what it REALLY takes to protect your organization against new threats and today’s sophisticated cybercrime rings.

AFTER THIS SEMINAR YOU’LL HAVE (here comes help!):
  • An understanding about what makes cyber criminals “tick”, why they’re so successful…and why they’re not going away any time soon.
  • A non-technical vulnerability check list that you can use to gauge how vulnerable your organization is to cyber criminals.
  • 3 key steps that you can implement immediately that will give you peace of mind…or confirm your worst fears.

Click here to sign up for this FREE seminar now!

Registration will open in the Ballroom at 7:30 am with light breakfast options.Presentation will be from 8:00am - 10:00am Presentation and Open DiscussionWHERE:The Stratford Building (on the corner of Darrow Road and Arndale in Stow)4301 Darrow RoadStow, Ohio 44224Follow the signs to the Ballroom on the main floorSign up here, it's FREE: CyberSecurity Seminar Registration


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