Bob's Random Notes (and 4 new videos!)

Ok, it’s March.  We lept through February.  ‘Cuz it’s a Leap Year.  And that was funny, at first.Here’s the thing.  Usually I try to write a bit of a stream of consciousness thing.  You know…making sense throughout the article.Not this time.  This time I think I’ve got to just deliver the points for the month, one after another.  And there are a lot of them…so here goes:Last week I spent some time at the first ASCII conference of the year in Long Beach California.  A lot of really good presenters about MSP best practices.  And me.  Yup, I’ll be speaking at this things, bringing the quality level down as only I can.  Don’t believe me?  Check out the ASCII conference this month in Houston.  Or next month (April), in Washington, DC.  Or any of the other 6 conferences this year.If you want to stay local, check out our cybersecurity seminar on March 18th at our offices in Stow.  This is the first of four cybersecurity seminars scheduled for this year.  Each of them is going to talk about cybersecurity from different perspectives.  This will be valuable for both techs and business folks.  And you know we’ll avoid the usual fear tactics, but we won’t whitewash this stuff either.Just yesterday I gave a webinar for Channel Partners about CoMITs.  It’s not public yet, but we’ll let you know if/when it is.What did get published was an MSP roundtable I was part of in January as part of Auvik’s Frankly MSP event.  Hosted by Rob Rae of Datto fame.  You can listen to it here.Speaking of published, my 3rd book should finally be published in the next week or so.  The final steps have taken a lot longer than I thought they should.  Oy.We’re publishing a lot of short videos aimed at giving quick insights into our view of IT for small businesses.  We’ve published 4 recently.  See the links below.  Connect with us through either Facebook or LinkedIn to make sure you don’t miss any!

Anybody have a good idea for the title of a podcast aimed at IT and small-medium businesses?  Asking for a friend…Had our second breakfast specifically aimed at Internal IT folks…about 12 attendees and great feedback!  If you missed it our next one is in May.We’re also planning for our next QCT (Quarterly Client Training) event in April.  This is our one event that’s only for our clients.  It’ll be our fifth one since we started a year ago.Oddly, I’m going to be in Vegas next week to take part in the Channel Partners Expo.  But not the way I usually do.  I’m…um…performing.  Yup, several folks decided it would be a great idea to put on a quick comedy “show”, and somehow were deluded…um…no, we’ll stick with deluded…into thinking I would be a good person to involve with this.  Well, this won’t be spoken of again<g>.On a similar note, it was fun to get back onstage with old and new friends at the Point of No Returns’ 18th anniversary show last month.  I will always love performing improv, and it was great to visit the group I helped found and led for the first 15 years.  Also great to see it’s going strong!Btw, if your organization is following (or considering using) the EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System framework, I whole-heartedly endorse the EOS tools provided by  We started looking at the tools on a Friday, and by Tuesday we were able to run our primary meetings (L10) using their tools.  Good stuff.Ok…I think the dumping is done…see you next month!   


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