Cleveland Small Business Expo on August 14, 2020

Cleveland Small Business Expo on August 14thWith so many conferences being cancelled lately, have you attended any of the virtual conferences that are taking place? We have, and somewhat to our surprise, they are very good. So we’re doing something very exciting..We are going to try our hand at exhibiting at the Cleveland Small Business Expo on August 14th. We’re excited at the opportunity, but also a little disappointed that we can’t be there in person to offer our cool 4 color rocket pens, rubber ducks, or whoopee cushions that everyone loves so much.Bob will be presenting a workshop for Business Owners titled "The Busines Owners Survival Guide to IT" and of course we’ll be available to talk about our Managed Services and Co-Managed Services (CoMITs). And anything else you’d like to talk about, geek nostalgia anyone?It’s entirely free to attend, and 100% virtual. Just visit 


Welcome McCartney Betz, Digital Communications Manager


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