Announcing Michelle Brugmann, Client Services Director

Hello, Michelle Brugmann here.  Many of you already know me or at least my name as I’ve been around Simplex-IT for several years now.  I have worn many hats and most recently I have been in a period of transition. I am excited to announce that I have officially moved into my role as the Client Services Director.  The primary focus of this position is to exemplify the constant improvement of our client experience with the Simplex-IT team.The Client Relations Director role serves as a liaison between the client and our technical staff which will allow me to better position myself as a point of contact for any business concerns. This entails helping to resolve any service delivery issues and advocating for our clients to bridge the gap.  This role works very closely with our management team including our Service Desk Manager and Technical Director with a system of checks and balances in place.  I addition to the technical side of things the Client Relations Director (CRD) also oversees our Office Administrator and helps to resolve any issues with invoicing or automatic payments.As we enter into 2021 we will be working together to establish and maintain timelines for long-term IT goals which will be accomplished through recurring business review sessions called Technical Business Reviews (TBR’s).  In the Simplex-IT spirit of always learning and always sharing the CRD is also responsible for fostering the communication and organization of our many unique client training opportunities.  As the CRD I look forward to building stronger and more valued relationships with our clients.


Announcing Michelle Brugmann, Client Services Director


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