3 Basic Steps to Better Cloud Security

Cloud services are convenient, great for remote working and packed with cool features.

But how sure are you that your information and processes are secure?

We want to tell you about 3 things you can do today to make sure your data’s secure. Keep in mind these are 3 very high-altitude concepts.

First up is multi-factor authentication – you’ve probably used this with your online bank. MFA sends a single-use password to your smartphone. No password, no access. If all you have between bad guys and your data is an account name and a password, you're playing with fire.

Second is to switch on encryption – this scrambles your data so it’s unreadable to anyone outside of your business. There are two types of encryption...for data at rest and data in motion.

And third is your backup. If you take regular local backups of all of your important data, things won’t grind to a halt if the worst happens. The last line of defense for all things bad in IT is a good backup.

There’s lots more you can do to stay secure in the cloud, so if you want to be sure your business is protected, contact us!



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