What’s the Difference Between Public, Private, and Hybrid Clouds?

Hello, I am Kurt, a senior network engineer at Simplex-IT. In this blog, I will be discussing the 3 different types of clouds.

A public cloud is owned and operated by a third-party vendor like Microsoft, Amazon, or Google. They are the ones who provide their resources like servers and storage over the internet. You will access a public cloud through a web browser. While the cloud provider you choose is responsible for all the hardware, software, and infrastructure needed to run the cloud.

A private cloud is a self-hosted datacenter where you are the owner of your own cloud datacenter. A private cloud can also be hosted by a third-party vendor like Amazon, Google, or Microsoft. However, private clouds are used only by a single business or organization. A private cloud is a common choice for companies with strict compliance requirements. To access a private cloud, you will have to have access to the private network it is hosted on.

Hybrid takes the concepts from both private and public clouds and combines them. A hybrid cloud is an on-premises server and a cloud server like Azure to run things such as applications, VMs, or networking. You have the option to start migrating things up to the cloud or they can coexist perpetually. It allows you to have the benefits of the cloud while still keeping the on-premises servers that you need. It allows for data and applications to move between public and private clouds to create more flexibility and optimizes existing infrastructure, security, and compliance. A hybrid cloud is a great option when you want to move to the cloud, but you don’t want to migrate everything to the cloud.

If you would like to discuss which type of cloud is best for your business contact us!

Kurt Ketcham

About Kurt Ketcham

Simplex-IT, Professional Services Director

Kurt is the Professional Services Director at Simplex-IT and has a BS in Information Technology from Youngstown State University. Kurt has spent his entire career working in IT. He was a member of an in-house IT department at a regional pallet manufacturer for over a decade before transitioning to Simplex-IT in 2017. Kurt started at Simplex-IT as a service desk technician and gradually started taking on project work before becoming the project team lead. Now as Professional Services Director, Kurt manages the scoping, quoting, and execution of all projects as well as handles IT-oriented quarterly business reviews and vCIO functions with clients.

Connect with Kurt on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kurt-ketcham/


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