Simplex-IT CEO Bob Coppedge heading back to DC to talk to Congressional Leaders #CompTIAFlyIn

Capitol BuildingSimplex-IT CEO Bob Coppedge heading back to DC to talk to Congressional Leaders

For the 3rd straight year, Bob will be heading down to Washington DC for 2 days (13-14 February). He’s joining the CompTIA DC Fly-In to advocate for technology sector priorities on Capitol Hill during the association’s annual fly-in to Washington, DC. CompTIA, the Computing Technology Industry Association, through its advocacy arm, champions member-driven business and IT priorities that impact all information technology companies – from small managed solutions providers and software developers to large internet companies, equipment manufacturers, and communications service providers.Yes, Bob is once again writing from a 3rd person perspective<g>.As a CompTIA DC Fly-In participant, Bob will meet with Senator Brown and Representatives Ryan, Kaptur and Joyce (or staff members), all representing Ohio. The goal is to focus their attention on policies that develop skills for the 21st century workforce; advance tax and regulatory policies that spur innovation; establish U.S. leadership in secure internet-based platform technologies; support new and emerging technology platforms; address availability and delivery of broadband communications; and expand markets and advocate for sensible rules of global trade.For anyone who’s paid the least amount of attention to the wonderful world of DC, it might seem that this is the errand of the foolish. I (the heck with 3rd person) get that.  And yet in both 2016 and 2017 I actually had some really worthwhile (I believe) conversations with our elected officials (or their staff) from both parties. I have no idea whether the talks “do any good,” but it’s certainly worth the effort.Yup, I’m going there to lobby. I guess.  And yet I don't feel particularly bad about myself.  Well, no more than usual, anyway<g>.The Fly-In runs February 13-14, 2018. For more information on CompTIA’s advocacy efforts, visit


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