The Book is alive, we're now hiring, adding both Training and Cyber Insurance...and stuff

Available on AmazonI am now a published author with a book on Amazon. Please bow down before me. I have sold copies in the US, Europe and Great Britain. My book is on Kindle, and will probably be available as an audiobook down the road.It’s been an interesting journey, about 10 months if memory serves. And as you can see elsewhere, I’m spending the 1st of February trying to achieve that ultimate dream of all authors…to become a best-selling author. Seriously, bow down, already.Here’s a hint: You can either write a really, really good book and hope somebody “discovers” it, and you sell tens of thousands of copies.Orrrrrrrr…you try to get a bunch of people to buy it all at the same time over a short timeframe (like one single day).Yup. Plan B it is!We’ll see how well that strategy goes.On to other things. Notice our latest announcement about training? If not, pay attention. Simplex-IT is adding really affordable quality online training for employees. Topics like Excel, Outlook, QuickBooks. Over 90 classes available, with more being added. And the cost per “student” is less than $20 per month for unlimited access. And if you’re a SiMS customer with an existing agreement, we’re talking waaaay less than $20 per month per student. As little as $7. Check out our introductory webinar later this month.Then there’s Cyber Insurance. What exactly is it, what does it cover and who needs it? We’ve got you covered (hey, an insurance joke. My dad, an insurance salesman, would be both impressed and slightly embarrassed). We’re running a webinar this month on an introduction to Cyber Insurance. Could a new service offering from Simplex-IT dealing with Cyber Insurance be far away? Huh. Good question.And you probably noticed that we’re growing again. We’re adding the position of Dispatcher, to facilitate more efficient handling of our calls and ticket processing.If you remember last month one of our new undertakings was adding a ratings and comment gathering tool for our ticketing system (called SmileBack). That went into production early January, and the results have been great. Thanks to our customers for using this tool! Well over 90% positive with a couple of neutral and 0 negative responses. And the neutral gave us insight as to what we can do better. Can’t ask for more than that.Meteor CraterLast week (leading into this week) was a whirlwind. My wife (Julie) and I went out to a conference in Phoenix and spent a couple of extra days up in Williams and Sedona. You'll notice the picture a gentleman volunteered to take of us standing next to Meteor Crater. Over the non-conference days I think I spent an average of 5 hours driving (well worth it). And so far this week I'm averaging about 12-13 hour days catching up. I'm finishing this up at about 11:30pm after starting with a 7:30am meeting. I thiiiiiink we're going to be able to slow down a bit in a couple of days.One can hope, eh<g>?


Bob Coppedge - Amazon Best Selling Author (and man about town)!


Simplex-IT CEO Bob Coppedge heading back to DC to talk to Congressional Leaders #CompTIAFlyIn