Bob Coppedge - Amazon Best Selling Author (and man about town)!

Amazon Number 1We did it!

Ok, technically you all did it.  My book, “A CEO’s Survival Guide to Information Technology” hit #1 New Bestseller on Amazon in 2 categories, “Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Information Management” and “Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Systems & Planning.”We only were able to make #4 under “Computers & Technology > Business Technology” and for that I blame my new arch-enemy Gary Vaynerchuk, author of “Crushing It!” with his hardcover, Audible and Kindle versions taking spots 1, 2 and 3.Thanks to the following groups who helped make this happen:

  1. Our Simplex-IT customers.  Great group of people and organizations.  You helped me write this book.
  2. My Simplex-IT “family.”  I’ve lucked out with a great team of folks, and I appreciate your work, dedication and annoying habits<g> more than you’ll ever know.
  3. Our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn “universe.”  We asked, and you all stepped up to the plate.
  4. Our friends through Technology Marketing Toolkit (Robin’s group), including my peer group.  Your support is appreciated.
  5. Amy Luby’s SmbManagedServices online group.  You’re all weird, and fantastic.
  6. Akron today Magazine for asking for an online interview and putting it up so fast.  Click here to read it.
  7. Of course my family who helped out by sharing announcements and encouraging people.

Amazon - Best - Seller?

As you know, I don’t hide stuff.  If something is “fluff,” I’ll pretty much call it so.  Quite honestly the whole “Best Seller” concept is a bit of that.  All you need to do to claim the title is to sell the most books in a sub-sub-category for a short period of time for a new title.How does that end up playing?  Well, the bar ends up being set pretty low, actually.  In the grand scheme of the true number of all books being sold, mine is barely a blip on the screen.  I’m currently #2,231 in Books, hardly #1.But there’s no denying the term “Best-selling author” is compelling.  But it’s technically accurate, so we’ll use the term, but sparingly, and focus on the “Author” part.So from now on when you hear the term “Best-selling Amazon author” to describe somebody, and your initial thought is “wow,” take a moment.  Reflect on the fact that Bob Coppedge is one of those.  The “wow” factor just went down a notch or two, I’ll bet.Pleeeeease don’t take this as minimizing your help, or downplaying my appreciation.  But I thought it was important to share some of the details behind how these things work.  ‘Cuz that’s what we do here at Simplex-IT.

Now...about that review...<sheepish grin>

We'd love to get some helpful reviews up there as well.  So far we've received 3, and I couldn't have asked for better one (I didn't write them, nor do I know who did):

  • I have read this great book twice! Such a clear, understandable need to know guide. Not just great for CEO's but anyone that doesn't speak "Geek" as a primary language!
  • The name says it all. Truly a survival guide for business owners to help them navigate the often tricky landscape of services offered by " Tech Support" companies.
  • It is nice to see someone take the time and really explain the complicated world of IT in a way that business leaders can truly understand.

If you could add your review, that would be great (needy, ain't I?)!

Thanks again!

Btw, when we first “released” the book, my wife Julie and I wanted to help support brain tumor research.  We chose the organization Blast Glioblastoma (, and direct 50% of the profits of the book to them.  That 50% ends up being about $3 per book.  Part of our “encouragement” to achieve Best Seller was to donate all of the profits (about $6) for books sold on the 1st.We had several people who asked us to take our Starbucks gift card offer and instead put it towards Blast GBM.  Well, we can’t have other people being more generous with our offer than us!  So instead we're going to double our donation.  So Simplex-IT will be making a $12 donation for each book purchased on February 1st.  That’s our way of saying thanks.The whole Amazon Best Seller concept may be a bit convoluted, but our appreciation to all of you isn’t.  Thank you very much.Except, of course, for Gary Vaynerchuk.VAYNERCHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUK! 


New Book Simplifies Information Technology for CEO’s


The Book is alive, we're now hiring, adding both Training and Cyber Insurance...and stuff