Slowdown? Not for Bob or Simplex-IT

Bob with BookSheesh, it just doesn’t end. Yeah, I know that’s a good thing. But still, an occasional slowdown would be nice. On second thought…nah.So I’m writing this Thursday morning (March 1st) at around 7am. Normally I try to write this the night before, but I was out speaking to a great group, the Lorain County Manufacturing Council. They invited me to speak to their membership about Cyber Security. Ya don’t have to ask me twice. The conversation was great, including both pre- and post-meeting.Earlier last month I spoke to an insurance companies gathering of their agents on the same topic.In both cases, no sales pitch. More of an educational opportunity.Do you have a group that you’d like me to speak to? I don’t know what they did to you to deserve that, we’ll leave that for another chat<g>. Let me know, shoot me an email. And although Cyber Security is a hot topic, there are about a dozen topics I can address for your group. We might even provide some food<g>.Like the webinar we did last month on Cyber Insurance. It’s up on YouTube now, you should take a look. Click here, I’ll wait. (insert elevator music here)Did you catch the part at the end? Where we’re going to make Cyber Insurance easy and affordable to our Gold and Platinum customers? Yup, details of that will be going out soon (as in March).You should also really look at the free offering we’ve got for Windows 10 training. We want people to kick the tires on our new training offering. Not a company? No problem. Only want to take advantage of this free offer? No problem. But you should check it out.Speaking of Microsoft, you might want to check out the free webinar on Tuesday March 20th "Microsoft's Product Roadmap for 2018".We’re checking out a marketing program revolving around FaceBook. Our Simplex-IT page now has over 18,000 likes. That’s up by (getting out calculator) over 18,000.So, no slowdown. Yet.It’s an interesting world. So says the Amazon Best Selling Author whose company has over 18,000 Facebook likes. I might add that both of these achievements make me shake my old crotchety head.So it’s March. What did that mean to Simplex-IT friends last year? Something cool. Same thing this year.Seeing a lot of interest in Co-Managed IT services (CoMITs) over the past month or so. Organizations with existing IT departments want to partner up to make their IT services better. We’re in for that, to be sure.Trip to DC was actually pretty cool, and possibly even productive. The concept of the Apprentice (no, not the TV show) might have a pretty bright future in the IT world.As Q1 winds down, we’ll be reviewing our goals set up last year (see those). We’re not done yet, but we’re probably at about 80% completed or close to complete. And I’ll be sharing our Q2 goals during March (once we’ve reviewed them internally). It’s helping us keep our focus of moving forward and growing, both for our existing and future customers.So let’s put that slowdown on hold, for now. 


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Microsoft 2018 Product Roadmap webinar