Employee Spotlight - Alex Frashuer

What’s your role at Simplex-IT and when were you hired?I joined the Simplex-IT team as the Sales and Marketing Coordinator in May 2018.What’s a typical day like for you at work?I often team up with Patti to plan and execute different marketing campaigns. A typical day could involve creating social media posts, scheduling blogs, or assembling and mailing out a bunch of rubber ducks to potential clients.What has been your favorite project at Simplex-IT?I’ve really enjoyed the opportunities I’ve had to put my graphic design skills to use when creating various social media posts or postcards for our marketing campaigns!What did you do before Simplex-IT?Before Simplex-IT, I was a student and worked as a student assistant at the University of Akron. After graduating in May 2017 with a degree in Mass Communication/Media Studies, I was hired to be an office assistant at a startup tech company in Akron. Before all of that, I was a Starbucks barista for 2 years and yes, I have nightmares about that never-ending drive thru line. I’m grateful that I can still make an awesome latte though!What do you like to do outside of work?Anything involving music makes me happy, so you can usually find me at a concert, playing guitar, or listening to my favorite artists. I also love spending time with my friends and family! 


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