2 Books in 2 Years!

Front CoverFinally my second book “The MSP’s Survival Guide to Co-Managed IT services” is out (in paperback and Kindle), available through Amazon.  And yup, it is technically an Amazon Best Seller.  Don't ever let that impress you.  Ever<g>.For those of you not versed in it, “Co-Managed IT services” is a form of Managed Services where the MSP (that would be us) actually partners with (instead of replaces) the IT department of a client organization.  We’re something of a pioneer of that, formally launching the practice in early ’18.  Since then I’ve spoken at several MSP conferences over the past year (and will be speaking at DattoCon this month) about the topic.The book details for MSP’s what CoMITs (that’s what we call it) is, and how to market, sell and service CoMITs clients.  It’s actually written for MSP’s who want to get into this untapped market.I think I finally decided to write this book back around Thanksgiving and have pretty much been spending a good chunk of my weekends (thanks in no small part to an understanding wife) churning this puppy out.And I think I’m pretty happy with it.  With one exception.  And it’s a big ‘un.I realized (around March or so) that I wrote the wrong @%!#@ book.  Or at least there’s a book I should’ve written first.  Thanks to Robin Robins’ for bluntly (my favorite way) reminding me of that fact (albeit about 4 months too late<g>).And I’m not going to go into too much detail here, except to say one thing:I’m planning on my 3rd book to be out by October.Nope, I’m not kidding.Btw, if you need a reminder, my first book, "A CEO's Survival Guide to Information Technology" was released back in January 2018. 


An 11 Year old boy and the "Strawberry Bitch"


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