What's a QCT and why should you care?

Prior QCT GiveawaysIf you’re a client of Simplex-IT, you’ll be hearing the term “QCT” a lot.  But only from us here at Simplex-IT (at least for now).  And our next one is coming up (July 18th), here at our world-wide international headquarters in Stow.QCT = “Quarterly Client Training”It’s a new program that we started back in December.  After 2 “dress rehearsals” involving about 20 participants we think we’ve got the format down (we reserve the right to keep changing it for the better).It’s a simple premise.  Each quarter we want to get together with our clients and review what’s new in the industry.  Take the opportunity to talk about the various tools and strategies that we use working with our customers.This is in addition to our TBR (Technology Business Review) program, which is where Tech Director Kevin Dutkiewicz or CEO Bob Coppedge (or, God help you, both<g>) sit down with our clients to review specifics for the individual client.QCT’s are the opportunity to learn from our team of experts (yup, Bob probably won’t be presenting<g>) about our approaches and strategies to provide the level of IT services you demand.  And we do this in a jam-packed feature-rich half day session.  Here’s the schedule of our next QCT (July 18th):

  • 8:30:     Arrive
  • 8:45:     Welcome and what’s new with Simplex-IT
  • 9:00-10:30          First Session
  • 10:30-10:45       Break
  • 10:45-noon        Second Session
  • Noon-1:00pm    Lunch/Final Comments

We’ll be running three “tracks” simultaneously.  The topics are:

  • Working with Simplex-IT. What’s the best way to work with Simplex-IT?  Submitting and tracking tickets.  Reviewing billing and making payments.  Educating your employees to take advantage of us.  Setting up training and education.  Emergency procedures.
  • Cyber Security. What is our cyber security strategy?  What layers do we provide?  Are there still risks?  What are the latest developments?
  • Backups.  The last line of defense against all IT problems is a good backup.  And we’re implementing a completely new backup strategy for our Simplex-IT clients.  Learn more about what we’re putting in place, and why we’re making such a significant change (and investment).

These are not simple PowerPoint dog and pony shows.  These are certainly not sales pitches.  These will be our Senior Techs doing a high-level review of “what we do and how we do it” and discussing any questions you may have.  Or demonstrating some tricks.  And we’ll be repeating all 3 sessions twice, so the real question will be do you have to miss one?  Hint:  Send two people.QCT’s are free (but restricted to Simplex-IT clients and some select guests).  Simplex-IT clients are encouraged to send multiple attendees.  And we hope this generates conversations between Simplex-IT clients to share what works (and what doesn’t).  After all, we’re all in this together!We also want these sessions to be a great way to get feedback from our clients to us.  How can we improve?  What opportunities to make the relationship even better are we missing?Moving forward we expect to have different Tracks at each QCT.  Some Track topics we’ve identified include:

  • Client Tools. Tools that we have available for the non-technical client.  Training, tracking, billing.
  • A review of all the monitoring tools that we use.
  • Azure/Office 365/Microsoft 365. A review of all cloudy things Microsoft.
  • Co-Managed IT services.
  • We’re willing to review our marketing strategies in case you want to copy us.
  • Project Management. Tools to make your Project Manager more productive.
  • End User Training. Whether it’s cyber security, Excel, Time Management, we have training tools available.
  • IT PnP. IT Policies and Procedures for your employees.

So to all our clients, keep your eyes and ears peeled for your invitation shortly.  If you don’t want to wait and reserve your spot now, just send me an email (Bob@Simplex-IT.com).And yes, Kevin will be 3D-printing some kind of unique giveaway for all attendees based on our QTC theme.  So far, we’ve done Star Trek and Game of Thrones (see picture).  I wonder what’s next? 


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