Q3 Goals for 2019

IoTWhat, me Worry?

July is upon us.  First half of the year?  Done.  Finished.  Just like (fight back the tears, Bob…) Mad Magazine.Let’s get started with Q3.For those of you joining us late, Simplex-IT is following the EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) management framework.  Part of that process involved a creation of goals for the different areas of the organization.  We do these both annually and then quarterly, and we have longer term goals as well.Our management team meets weekly and (among other things) makes sure we’re appropriately on top of the quarterly goals (or “rocks” as they’re called in the EOS world).  We also make occasional adjustments to them as needed.Then towards the end of the quarter we review the previous quarter and create new goals.Back in Q1 of 2018 I made the decision to “go public” with our quarterly goals.  It created additional pressure on myself personally to focus on accomplishing the goals.  Plus I thought it was a good way to stay appropriately transparent to our clients, vendors and friends.Without further ado, here are our Q3 goals for 2019.

Executive Goals

Out of Daily Accounting.  A CEO still doing a good portion of the bookkeeping?  Especially when he’s not very good at it?  Lame!TBR Matrix completed.  Finish up with a management tool for keeping track of all of the features and services that our clients currently have, to be used for TBR purposes.CoMITs Assessment Process Defined.  From last quarter.  Develop new CoMITs assessment process.

Operational Goals

Datto BCDR Migration Completed.  Migrate our customers to the new Datto devices and backup tools.  Phase 1 is done, Phase 2 is underway.  Finish up with all clients by end of Q3.Inventory System Done.  Completed.  Moving on.Michelle Moved.  All Simplex-IT personnel to their appropriate offices.Email/Cloud Backups implemented.  Offered and implemented to our clients.Client Onboarding Process Redefined.  Better defined communications and expectations for new clients.

Marketing Goals

Whoopie Cushion Campaign.  Yup.  You heard it here.Bad Date Campaign implemented.  Replacing the “nuts” campaign.“Highway to Hello” Pieces done.  New marketing pieces to assist with assessment and onboarding.Put on a Special Security/Fraud Seminar.  Our next partner seminar event.Put on a CoMITs Seminar.  A seminar/workshop aimed at the IT leaders of small to medium organizations, discussing Co-Managed IT services.

Sales Goals

Close Gap on Decision time by 20%.  We’re still have potential clients not making decisions quickly, sometimes holding off for months.  Discover ways to close that timeframe.Attend 3 Networking events.  Look for more ways to get our name out there.Create and implement Referral Campaign.  Our best marketing pieces?  Our satisfied clients.  How do we take advantage of that (without bugging folks)?Yup, we’re taking on a lot.  Will we hit 100%?  Stay tuned! 


Wait, Bob's a cool top 501 Bestselling Genius?


Q2 2019 Goal Results