Wait, Bob's a cool top 501 Bestselling Genius?

June.  In some ways it was a busy month, in other ways, not so much.  We got a fair amount of recognition, but mostly for things done prior to June (so June was the lazy beneficiary of past work).  And we’re ready to announce stuff that’s going to happen in the future (but was decided in June).  So I’m not 100% sure what we did specifically in June?

In June:

  • Simplex-IT was once again selected as one of the 501 leading MSP’s in the world by MSPMentor. I think this makes 4 times we’ve made it to this list?
  • My latest book “The MSP’s Survival Guide to Co-Managed IT services” made it as an Amazon Best Selling book! And this time without even trying.  If you remember my blog article from my first book (“A CEO’s Survival Guide to Information Technology”), you’ll realize that this isn’t a big deal.  But still…
  • My latest book was selected as a giveaway at DattoCon in San Diego. Almost 2,000 MSP’s walked away with a copy.  Thanks to Robin Robins and the gang at Technology Marketing Toolkit for sponsoring it (and buying the books).  And thanks to Rob Rae and his team at Datto for putting it together.
  • Speaking of Robin Robins and TMT, guess who was selected as their “Genius of the Month”? No, it wasn’t Robin.  Wow, you’re a lousy guesser.  But it was yours truly.  Yeah, I had to look up the definition of genius, too.

In the future (which we found out about in June):

  • We’re going to be recognized by a company at their annual meeting in August as a corporate partner of the year. It’s actually pretty cool, they were at our offices and interviewed me for a bit.  Hopefully they won’t change their mind after that.
  • We’re partnering up for a major cyber security/fraud morning event in a couple of months. Should be pretty interesting.  Keep your eyes and ears open.
  • For a second year in a row we’re a Silver Partner sponsoring the 10th Annual Cleveland GiveCamp, which is a great (actually fantastic) event. Around 200 volunteers spend a weekend working with nonprofits to develop free web sites and applications.
  • And for the fourth (I think?) year in a row we’ll be co-sponsoring the Craze eCool Award. Named after legendary cool guy Andy Craze, this award is given to several of the non-profits that received the web sites.  For being…y’know, cool.

Some other things going on:

  • It’s not too late to register for our upcoming Quarterly Client Training event on July 18th. This half day session (for clients only) focuses on Backups, cyber security, and the best ways to work with us as partners.  We already have about 14 people signed up to attend.  C’mon, its’ free! Click here for more info and to register.
  • Look out on social media for something called “Simplex-IT Snippets”. At least that’s what we’re calling them now.
  • As we mentioned earlier and elsewhere, we welcome Datto into the Simplex-IT world. We’re in the process of migrating all of our server backup solutions over to their world.  It’s the beginning of a great relationship!

I think that's enough for now. 


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