A Day in the Life of a Client Experience Coordinator  

As the client Experience Coordinator at Simplex-IT, my role involves ensuring our clients receive exceptional customer service as well as serving as their voice within our company. In this post, I will dive into a typical day in my shoes, which will hopefully shed light on the basics of what I do to add value for both clients and our team.

My day begins (most importantly!) with a cup of coffee or eight and a quick review of my schedule. When starting my workday, my first task is to prioritize client meetings and communications. Responding to emails and messages promptly sets the tone for my day.

The backbone of my role lies in understanding and making sure our clients’ needs are being fulfilled. Throughout my day, a sizable part of my time is dedicated to addressing client inquiries, concerns, and feedback. Whether it is a follow-up call, resolving an issue, or supplying other information, the focus is always on ensuring our clients feel heard and valued.

Internal meetings are also an important part of my day. I work closely with the Service Department to ensure a seamless client experience. Throughout the week, I attend regular meetings with the team. These meetings supply a platform for me and the team to discuss ongoing service tickets, share challenges, and brainstorm solutions.

Client meetings are another important part of my day. The subject of these meetings may include anything from setting a client up in our portal, discussing ticket feedback, or simply a friendly check-in. These client meetings provide me with the opportunity to answer any questions or discuss any concerns. I am then able to relay this feedback to the Service team so the information can be taken into consideration when providing services to our client in the future.

As the day winds down, I review the tasks I have conducted, prepare for the next day, and ensure that any outstanding client issues are addressed.

Being a Client Experience Coordinator is a rewarding role that demands a balance between customer service and teamwork. Every day presents new challenges and opportunities to strengthen client relationships and collaborate with internal teams. By prioritizing effective communication, empathy, and collaboration, I contribute to the overall success of the organization and the satisfaction of our clients.

Jessie Buser

About Jessi Buser

Jessi is the Client Experience Coordinator at Simplex-IT. Her role in the company is to advocate for our clients by being their voice from a non-technical perspective. She is the “new kid on the block,” “fish out of water,” and any other cliché for “out of her element” you may want to tag on. Having spent sixteen years of her career working in public libraries before coming to Simplex-IT, she hopes to bring her customer service skills and “outside looking in” perspective to the table in order to create an excellent client experience.


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