May Webinar:

Use the Power of LinkedIn to Increase Your Reach, Increase Your Revenue


Join us for this special 30x30 webinar (30 minute presentation, 30 minute open discussion) on what we did (and are still doing) here at Simplex-IT to increase our LinkedIn presence and use LinkedIn as a lead generating machine.

In the past 18 months, we have tested and experimented with:

- LinkedIn Videos
- Connection Requests
- Targeted Individuals with connection message
- Using the My Network suggestions
- LinkedIn groups
- Our group
- Other groups
- Local
- Industry specific
- Tech
- LinkedIn Slider Posts 
- LinkedIn Live
- LinkedIn Stories
- InMail Messages

Some of these have been successful. Others not so much. Some we’ve engaged with experts on to learn the ways, others we tried to figure it out ourselves. We’ll lay it all out for you. What worked, what didn’t work. What we’ll keep doing, and what we’ll throw in the dumpster and never speak of again.

And for this one we really mean no sales pitch.  Just our way of sharing.

Head over here to register: Sign me up

Patti Smerk

About Patti Smerk

Simplex-IT, Chief Operating Officer:

Patti is the COO at Simplex-IT. She has an array of qualifications and experience including a PMP (Project Management Professional certification), a BS in Computer Science and Information Systems, and an MBA with a focus on Project Management and Organizational Development. Having grown up in the IT world, she gained valuable experience working in internal IT for a manufacturing company, handling roles from help desk to systems analysis. She then went into software and technical training, followed by IT consulting for local small to mid-sized clients, and eventually government consulting and large scale enterprise project management. Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to make more of a direct impact locally, Patti joined Simplex-IT in 2014 . With her strategic vision and IT expertise, Patti ensures operational success as the COO, and enjoys driving teams towards shared goals.

Connect with Patti on LinkedIn:


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