Protect Your Domain Registration Info

So you’re the CEO of an organization and part of your job is to make sure that your company assets are protected. One of your most important assets is actually your domain name. Notice I didn’t say company name, but your domain name. Ours is

Now most of us know we have to go and register our domain name with an internet registrar like Go Daddy, Network Solutions or some other registrar. There are a lot of us that take the lazy way out and we register through our web developers, our managed service providers or someone else. Doing it that way does provide ease of management. Somebody else is taking care of it, you don’t have to worry about it.

But yes you do!

The reason I say that is because sometimes these people go out of business or worse, hold it ransome, not ransomeware, just ransome.

We had a situation recently where an organization was dependent upon a web development company for the development, storage, management, and maintenance of their website and also their domain name. This web development company went out of business and all of a sudden not only was the website down but the DNS records (which tells all of the things like email where to go), suddenly became useless. Which meant no one could get to their website and no one could send or receive emails from that domain. They were essentially paralyzed as far as the internet goes.

How do you prevent that?  It’s simple.

You register your domain name through your organization’s account on, in my opinion, one of the major domain registrars, Go Daddy, Network Solutions, whatever.

Now you may have an MSP managed service provider like Simplex-IT who manages these records for you but they don’t own them, you do!

So who owns your domain and who manages your domain records?

Find out now!

If the group that’s responsible for managing your IT department doesn’t have these types of conversations with you, maybe it’s time to consider changing.

Bob Coppedge

About Bob Coppedge

Simplex-IT, CEO

Bob is the CEO of Simplex-IT. He has over 40 years’ experience in IT (Information Technology and in 2007 he created Simplex-IT to be the “good guys” in the IT world, specializing in making IT work for small to medium businesses and to “Simplify the Complex”. Bob is an industry leading expert with the ability to translate tech talk into everyday language. Bob has authored three books “The MSP’s Survival Guide to Co-Managed IT services”, “A CEO’s Survival Guide to Information Technology”, and his latest “I Don’t Want Your Job: Is Co-Managed IT services the Right fit for You?”. Bob regularly speaks at various national and area events, including IT Nation, DattoCon, Private Directors Association and more.

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