Welcome Zach!


My name is Zach and I’m incredibly excited to be a part of the Simplex team! I have been in the IT field for a little over 2 years now and look forward to working with all of our amazing clients! I have learned a lot so far during my time with Simplex and love to be able to apply that knowledge to assist our clientele with all of their IT needs! In my free time I love spending time with my wife and our daughter, as well as listening and playing music. Outside of work, family, and my hobbies I dedicate my time to furthering my knowledge of the IT world! Thanks for having me as part of the team!

Zachery Fox

About Zachery Fox

Simplex-IT, Support Specialist Service Department

Zach's love for technology started at a very early age. Over the years he has become more and more interested in how technology functions and the processes of troubleshooting tech. As a helpdesk technician at Simplex-IT he has been granted the opportunity to learn and expand his skill set in the Information Technology field; allowing him to follow his passion in the vast world of technology.


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