What’s in Store for Q4? 

This year’s fourth quarter is going to be the precursor to some very useful new offerings in next year’s first quarter. As most of you already know, Simplex-IT has experienced some big changes in the past few months, and Client Relations is no exception. I’ve teamed up with the Service Desk to place myself on the “front lines,” and open more opportunities to communicate and work with you, the client.  

Some of you may have already gotten calls from me last quarter just to call and check in. These calls will be a quarterly occurrence and part of my new push to get to know clients better on an individual level. During these calls, feel free to give me any feedback, mention and issues you would like to see addressed, or simply have a chat with me. These calls will be completely informal and random, so feel free to speak your mind! If you would rather not get these calls, please let me know and I will send an email to check in instead.  

Another new communication from me that you may have noticed recently is an email from me asking you to complete a form that details the roles of employees in your company. Completing this form will make it easier for us to know who to reach out to in specific events, as well as the proper contacts to send communications to. If you have any questions about this form, please do not hesitate to ask me!  

Finally, my biggest project for Q4 is setting up a ticket training seminar for all our clients. During this training, I will be heading out to your location (probably with donuts!) and going over all the methods of submitting a ticket to Simplex-IT. I’m excited for this because these training meetings will give me the opportunity to sit down with your company and answer any questions face to face. Of course, there will be lots of value in it for you as well. My goal is to show you every avenue of submitting a ticket to our Service Desk as well as explain the process of what happens after it is submitted. The goal of this training will be to give you a glimpse into how our service desk works and explain the “What happens now?” after submitting a service ticket.  

 This training will be going live in Quarter 1 of 2024, so be on the lookout for scheduling requests later this quarter. Of course, I also realize that some clients may not have time to do this training in person, so I will also be offering an online video option for the training as well.  

I am very excited for this new evolution of client relations. It is my hope that in the coming months and moving forward, I can get to know you better and strengthen our relationship. As always, please feel free to reach out to me for any questions, concerns, or just to say hi!  

Jessie Buser

About Jessi Buser

Jessi is the Client Experience Coordinator at Simplex-IT. Her role in the company is to advocate for our clients by being their voice from a non-technical perspective. She is the “new kid on the block,” “fish out of water,” and any other cliché for “out of her element” you may want to tag on. Having spent sixteen years of her career working in public libraries before coming to Simplex-IT, she hopes to bring her customer service skills and “outside looking in” perspective to the table in order to create an excellent client experience.


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