Simplex-IT Report Card for Q2 2018

Bob and Rob manning da boothWow, Q2 is pretty much over. We’re hitting the halfway mark of the year. That means it’s time for another quarterly report card for Simplex-IT!For those of you new to us, we’ve been setting quarterly goals for about a year. Starting in Q1 of this year, we started sharing our quarterly goals with our customers and the public in general. Obviously there are some details we keep internal, but for the most part we’re pretty transparent, warts and all.Ok, let’s get right to it! Simplex-IT goals for Q2 2018 were (click here to see the goals themselves):Technical Service:

  • Additional Tech. This turned into a bigger change, since we had to replace a tech as well as hire a new one. Happy to report that Joel Haselow and Jessica Pfauth are onboard and adding value. Big thumbs up!
  • Standard Project Definitions completed. Boy, we didn’t get as far as we wanted. Got a couple of initial templates done, but nowhere near what we need. Thumbs down.
  • BDR Refresh. Most of the new hardware is implemented, but not all and not completely. Thumbs upward.
  • Dispatcher fully implemented. This turned out to be harder than we thought. And how. We’re making progress, but nowhere near what we ultimately want. Thumbs neutral.


  • Golf Outings. We participated in our first Golf Outing last week, and in spite of the weather things went pretty well. Thanks to Patti Smerk and Alex Frashuer, big thumbs up.
  • Facebook Experiment. Not sure how to score this one. We finished the experiment, and decided that (for now) Facebook advertising isn’t for us. So, thumbs up in terms of the experiment, thumbs down for the results.
  • Multiple simultaneous advertising campaigns. We’re now running 2 campaigns each month bringing in new potential customers. Kudos to Patti, Alex and Rob Walter for pulling this off. Big thumbs up!
  • Marketing and Sales Coordinator. Alex Frashuer has joined us and hit the ground running. Last we saw her she was near Twinsburg <kidding>. Big thumbs up.


  • Sales person onboard. We’ve hired, but he doesn’t start until July 9th. I’m really excited (and a little nervous, to be honest) about this move. More in July.

So there you have it! Like I said, warts and all. Soon to come, Q3 goals!Feedback or questions always welcome.  


Simplex-IT's First Golf Outing Sponsorship


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