IT Nation First Timer!

This was my very first IT Nation! Despite the hurricane’s best efforts, I had a wonderful time and learned a lot from the breakout sessions that I attended. Being the new kid on the block, attending my first ever (huge!) IT conference was a little overwhelming at first but I soon became an information sponge.

A session that really stood out to me, titled “I Hired and Fired an MSP,” showcased the client perspective on MSPs and how important it is to demonstrate the value you provide them. It is easy for all the work an MSP does behind the scenes to be overlooked when things are going well, so it is important to emphasize everything your service does to maintain smooth sailing.

The absolute best session I attended was a peer group called, “Working with Peers to Solve Client Issues.” Just getting to be in the room with others in client-facing roles was extremely valuable, let alone working through hypothetical scenarios we all face daily. Bouncing ideas around with peers was a fun, helpful way to gain new perspectives on client issues.

Jessie Buser

About Jessi Buser

Jessi is the Client Experience Coordinator at Simplex-IT. Her role in the company is to advocate for our clients by being their voice from a non-technical perspective. She is the “new kid on the block,” “fish out of water,” and any other cliché for “out of her element” you may want to tag on. Having spent sixteen years of her career working in public libraries before coming to Simplex-IT, she hopes to bring her customer service skills and “outside looking in” perspective to the table in order to create an excellent client experience.


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