IT Nation Learning Experiences

IT Nation Connect just wrapped up in Orlando. Normally I try to stick to the security focused conferences in the MSP space. This time around I wanted to take a step back to take a pulse on where Simplex-IT is at on the industry level as well as to look for ways to increase the value to our clients, especially around our security offerings. Now, this year will certainly stick out in my mind – not just because of the hurricane or the charity beard shave that Bob and I participated in. 

First up – how’s Simplex-IT doing compared to the rest of the industry. Short answer, we’re doing awesome. Now don’t get me wrong, we’ve got a lot of work to do to leverage technologies to improve our service processes or continue to strengthen our security posture. But it was great to chat with other folks, understand some of the challenges we’re facing aren’t unique to us, and share ideas on how to overcome those. It’s these hallway chats that empower us to continue learning and doing more for our clients.  

Speaking of that continuous learning, I also really enjoyed learning from some of the folks who spoke at the conference. I particularly enjoyed a session detailing the MSP role in the federal supply chain. This session helped shed some light on what the future may hold for the industry – including potential regulation and increased oversight. While we’ve already been working towards several of these objectives, I learned a lot about what lies ahead so we can be ready to address these challenges as they arise. 

Finally, it was an excellent chance to talk to some of the vendors in the ecosystem. In this case I had two clear goals – to enhance the value we can provide through our service offerings & locate solutions to gaps in our offerings. We found some options to achieve both goals and then some. I’m excited for those follow-up conversations and to increase the value we provide to all our clients.

Adam Evans, CISSP

About Adam Evans, CISSP

Adam is a seasoned cybersecurity professional with more than a decade of experience in the MSP industry. He started his career as a helpdesk engineer and worked his way up through various technical roles to specialize in cybersecurity – specifically GRC, security architecture, and defensive operations. 

Adam is passionate about sharing his expertise and insights with the next generation of security professionals. He believes that by working together and sharing knowledge, we can make the world a safer and more secure place for everyone.

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