Should I Update Flash?

Spoiler alert: Get rid of Flash.

Ok, here's the thing. Adobe Flash was an add-on to most web browsers back in the day. It really enabled web sites to do a lot.

It especially makes it easier for bad guys to do bad things. In fact, both Microsoft and Adobe (and honestly everybody else in the industry) strongly recommended removing Flash from all computers and web sites.

And yet...there are still millions of users, especially in the web-based game world, still using Flash. And a ton of bad guys still taking advantage of the vulnerabilities.

So stay the heck away from Flash, and unload it from your computers! Except Flash Gordon, cuz  Ah, ah, He'll save ev'ry one of us

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Bob Coppedge

About Bob Coppedge

Simplex-IT, CEO

Bob is the CEO of Simplex-IT. He has over 40 years’ experience in IT (Information Technology and in 2007 he created Simplex-IT to be the “good guys” in the IT world, specializing in making IT work for small to medium businesses and to “Simplify the Complex”. Bob is an industry leading expert with the ability to translate tech talk into everyday language. Bob has authored three books “The MSP’s Survival Guide to Co-Managed IT services”, “A CEO’s Survival Guide to Information Technology”, and his latest “I Don’t Want Your Job: Is Co-Managed IT services the Right fit for You?”. Bob regularly speaks at various national and area events, including IT Nation, DattoCon, Private Directors Association and more.

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