Article, Cybersecurity Bob Coppedge Article, Cybersecurity Bob Coppedge

Does Microsoft Back Up Your 365 Data?

We’ve said it several times before. The last line of defense for almost all bad things in IT is a good backup. Does it make sense that your Microsoft 365 data…emails, contacts, calendars, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, Teams…should absolutely be backed up and protected. Is it (I hear you cry)?

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Article, Cybersecurity Patti Smerk Article, Cybersecurity Patti Smerk

Keylogger…What Is It and What Does It Do?

Keyloggers are programs that capture everything you type. Passwords, credit card numbers, the webpages, answers to security questions – all by logging your keyboard strokes. The program is installed on your computer, usually through some form of spyware, and records what you type. All of this is then sent to the the bad guys use it to in a number of their bad guys ways.

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Article, General Technology Bob Coppedge Article, General Technology Bob Coppedge

How Does an Algorithm Work?

You may have heard the term “algorithm” circulated more and more lately, and like all newly emerging technologies, there are some fears and stigmas attached, some warranted, some not. But what is an algorithm? An algorithm is simply a set of instructions given to precisely define a sequence of some kind. That’s pretty much it!

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Article, Our Approach Bob Coppedge Article, Our Approach Bob Coppedge

Is CoMITs the Same as Co-Managed IT?

CoMITs is actually a made-up term. And I should know, since I'm the guy who made it up. Co-Managed IT is a collaborative relationship between a Managed Service Provider and the Internal IT resources for an organization. The MSP provides a ton of tools and resources for the Internal IT folks to take advantage of. We call those STMPs, which stands for “Software, Tools, Methodologies and Portals”.

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Article, Cybersecurity Bob Coppedge Article, Cybersecurity Bob Coppedge

What is Shadow IT?

Shadow IT is a term given to IT resources…hardware, software, subscriptions, services…that are used by an organization without the knowledge of whoever’s handling IT or cybersecurity for the organization.

Keep in mind Shadow IT isn’t necessarily evil. Or destructive. It’s…well, honestly you don’t know what it is. And that’s the problem.

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