Stop Power Cycling Your Batteries
Here’s a tip for getting the most out of the batteries in your cell phones, tablets, and laptop computers!
You may have heard that by power cycling, or letting a device go completely dead before charging it back up, extends the life of your batteries. That may have been true for old NICAD batteries, but modern lithium ion batteries do NOT like being power cycled!
Report Performance Complaints
If you’re responsible for the IT of your organization, chances are you’re going to get complaints about performance. Complaints specifically on report performance from your line of business application. Your line of business application being the critical application that basically drives the service or product that your company delivers to your clients.
So, let’s talk about report performance and basically database performance and some key things that you can do.
Protect Your Domain Registration Info
So you’re the CEO of an organization and part of your job is to make sure that your company assets are protected. One of your most important assets is actually your domain name. Notice I didn’t say company name, but your domain name. Ours is
Now most of us know we have to go and register our domain name with an internet registrar like Go Daddy, Network Solutions or some other registrar. There are a lot of us that take the lazy way out and we register through our web developers, our managed service providers or someone else.
The Coat Check Analogy
So you’re going to go to a cool restaurant and you take your car and you drop it off at the valet parking. They give you a ticket and you take the ticket and put it in your coat pocket. Then you take your coat and put that in the closet because you’ve got your suit coat on and this is your outside coat and that’s cool.
Somebody watched you do that and they just walked in the closet and they take out your coat. They have your valet ticket.
End Users Criticizing You?
Do your end users criticize you? Maybe they should…
So you’re handling IT for your organization. Technically this means the end users and the department heads who are using computer systems, business applications and resources are your customers. Do you think they feel comfortable giving you critical advice? Do you feel comfortable asking for it? It’s important for you to get positive critical feedback from your end users.
New Website
We are really excited to launch our new website! We’ve taken a different approach, which resulted in a much more concise site. We will be adding some more pages here and there (we have a really cool “our Team” page in the works) but the bulk of it is done!
We’re Hiring
We need an awesome salesperson to add to our Simplex-IT family. We’re looking for someone who uses a consultative approach to sales, no high pressure or arm twisting.
May Webinar:
Use the Power of LinkedIn to Increase Your Reach, Increase Your Revenue. Join us for this special 30x30 webinar (30 minute presentation, 30 minute open discussion) on what we did (and are still doing) here at Simplex-IT to increase our LinkedIn presence and use LinkedIn as a lead generating machine.