Learning Center: Videos

Our Learning Center Video Library is designed to provide answers to questions that we are most frequently asked.  Since we have so many videos, we have separated them out into categories to help you navigate to the video that will best answer your questions. We also have a search feature on each page.

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  • What Technology Policies Should I Have For My Organization?

    What Technology Policies Should I Have For My Organization?

    Short answer, it depends. Some common policies that are important for all companies to have are: - An acceptable use policy that defines what employees are allowed to do and not to do in the organization – especially around how they use technology.

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  • What is Business Intelligence?

    What is Business Intelligence?

    BI stands for “Business Intelligence”. Like all acronyms in IT, the definition varies. But I like this definition: BI is a collection of software that allows organizations to analyze existing data and receive meaningful results. Think for a minute about your organization. How it collects data as part of its business.

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  • How Can IT Create Value For Your Organization?

    How Can IT Create Value For Your Organization?

    This question is tougher than it sounds. The simple answer is “try running your organization without IT”. But that’s lazy. Here are several types of improvements that IT can bring to most organizations. Of course, your mileage may vary.

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  • How Can I Use AI In Manufacturing?

    How Can I Use AI In Manufacturing?

    These are just a few examples of how AI can be used in manufacturing. By leveraging the power of AI, manufacturers can gain insights into their operations that might otherwise go unnoticed, and make more informed decisions to improve their processes and products.

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  • What is DNS?

    What is DNS?

    DNS, or “Domain Naming Services or System or Server”, is why stuff works on the internet. When you go to our website, “Simplex-IT.com”, how does your browser know what server actually hosts that web site? DNS..

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  • What's the difference between static and dynamic IP addresses?

    What's the difference between static and dynamic IP addresses?

    A static IP address is a fixed address assigned to a computer or other device by an Internet service provider (ISP). It does not change and is used to provide the same address every time a device connects to the internet.

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  • What is WIFI?

    What is WIFI?

    WiFi is a wireless technology that allows devices to connect to the internet or other networks without the need for physical cables. It uses radio waves to transmit data between devices, similar to how a radio station broadcasts music.

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  • What is an IP Address Used For?

    What is an IP Address Used For?

    An IP address, short for Internet Protocol address, is a unique numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. This Protocol was created by the Internet Gods back around 1985.

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  • What is a VPN?

    What is a VPN?

    Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure connection between two or more computers or devices that allows data to be transmitted and received over the internet without being exposed to malicious actors. It is commonly used to protect personal information, such as passwords and financial data.

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  • Should Emergency Contact Lists Be Used?

    Should Emergency Contact Lists Be Used?

    Ok, this one is mostly an excuse to tell a true story that happened to me back in the mid-80’s. Because…well, I’m old.

    What’s my point here? It’s great to create processes and procedures to use in an emergency. Documents that identify processes to be followed and resources to be involved.

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  • Our Top 10 Moments of 2022

    Our Top 10 Moments of 2022

    Simplex-IT has had a busy year this year, from Tradeshows to our big office move, to our Annual Party at Quarter Up to our new Content Creation Team to our Awards, here are the Top 10 Moments of 2022.

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  • What are OneDrive and SharePoint?

    What are OneDrive and SharePoint?

    OneDrive is a Microsoft cloud storage service that lets you store your personal files in one place, share them with others, and get to them from any device connected to the internet. There are personal and business versions of OneDrive.

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  • What is Technical Debt?

    What is Technical Debt?

    You may have heard the term "Tech Debt", aka "Technology Debt", "design debt" or "code debt". It's a term that is commonly used to describe a situation where an organization is using a technology solution that...well, isn't the best available. But what does it mean, and is it a specific definition?

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  • What is an Algorithm?

    What is an Algorithm?

    An algorithm is simply a set of instructions given to precisely define a sequence of some kind. That's pretty much it! Usually, we're talking about instructions given to computer systems to allow them to do their thing.

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  • What is the Cost of Downtime?

    What is the Cost of Downtime?

    How expensive is downtime? "The Server is down." Yeah, we hate to hear that. Because downtime is expensive. But how expensive? That's a really important number that we ignore way too much. Downtime.

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  • What is the Dark Web?

    What is the Dark Web?

    Technically, the “Dark Web” is simply areas on the Internet that require specific credentials or software or configurations to access. Resources on the Dark Web do their best *not* to show up on search engines.

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  • What is Shadow IT?

    What is Shadow IT?

    Shadow IT is a term given to IT resources...hardware, software, subscriptions, services...that are used by an organization without the knowledge of whoever’s handling IT or cybersecurity for the organization.

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  • What are SSL Certificates?

    What are SSL Certificates?

    SSL stands for "Secure Socket Layer" and are important in IT. Companies purchase SSL Certs from 3rd party resellers like GoDaddy or Network Solutions. These 3rd parties verify that the company is who they say they are.

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  • Are IT Certifications Important?

    Are IT Certifications Important?

    Are IT Certifications worth it? Bob discusses advantanges for the individual, the hiring company and the employer for receiving IT Certifications.

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  • What Are IT Certifications?

    What Are IT Certifications?

    Let's talk about IT certificates. There are 2 types: Vendor oriented and Vendor Neutral.

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  • What is IaaS, SaaS, & PaaS?

    What is IaaS, SaaS, & PaaS?

    What is Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS, Software as a Service or SaaS, and Platform as a Service or PaaS?

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  • What is the Difference Between Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery?

    What is the Difference Between Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery?

    What is the Difference Between Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery? And which would you want for your business?

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  • How Much Does the Cloud Cost?

    How Much Does the Cloud Cost?

    So how much does the cloud cost? Well it depends on the size and complexity of what you want to use the cloud for. The price will increase when you start including things like VMs, replication, backups, and other applications.

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  • What the Heck is Azure?

    What the Heck is Azure?

    Azure is Microsoft’s version of a cloud service. Other companies like Amazon and Google also have their own versions of cloud services to choose from.

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  • Why Does IT Have to be So Hard?

    Why Does IT Have to be So Hard?

    People are always asking us, "Why is IT so hard?". We love to make it as easy as possible by simplifying the complex. If all of these IT terms overwhelm you, then consider getting a partner for your organization to help you through it.

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  • What's the Difference Between Public, Private, & Hybrid Clouds?

    What's the Difference Between Public, Private, & Hybrid Clouds?

    There are 3 types of clouds: Public- Private- Hybrid. Learn which option is best for you and your organization.

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  • Why Do I Need to Manage Passwords?

    Why Do I Need to Manage Passwords?

    Why do I need to manage Passwords? Because passwords are a pain! Why do I need a Password Management system for my organization? Because passwords and users are a bigger pain!

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  • What is the Cloud?

    What is the Cloud?

    So, what the heck is the cloud? In the tech industry, the joke is that the cloud is somebody else’s computer. But to break it down, the cloud is taking the server in your office and migrating it to a resilient data center that you access over a private network or internet.

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  • What Kind of IT Support Can My Organization Use

    What Kind of IT Support Can My Organization Use

    5 ways organizations can get IT support. Depending on the complexity of your organization, you actually might be using more than one! But if your organization uses Abdication or Seagulls, we need to talk.

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  • Is Multi Factor Authentication Really Necessary

    Is Multi Factor Authentication Really Necessary

    Multifactor authentication is another layer of security beyond a password and there are many ways to introduce additional authentication methods.

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