Article, Cybersecurity Bob Coppedge Article, Cybersecurity Bob Coppedge

What is Shadow IT?

Shadow IT is a term given to IT resources…hardware, software, subscriptions, services…that are used by an organization without the knowledge of whoever’s handling IT or cybersecurity for the organization.

Keep in mind Shadow IT isn’t necessarily evil. Or destructive. It’s…well, honestly you don’t know what it is. And that’s the problem.

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Article, Managed Services Bob Coppedge Article, Managed Services Bob Coppedge

When Should You Not Use an MSP?

My dad was an insurance salesguy. From all accounts he was a pretty successful one. He liked to talk with potential clients about what would make his services a bad fit right out of the gate. So, in honor of my Dad, let’s talk about 5 reasons why your organization might not want to use an MSP for their IT support needs.

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