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  • Episode 7: Fuhgeddaboudit

    Episode 7: Fuhgeddaboudit

    We don’t really know what we’re doing in this episode. Bob discusses business ecosystems, relationships, authenticity and more with Ken Patterson, VP of Community and Ecosystems at Taylor Business Group. These crotchety geeks explain why building relationships is so important and how it improves sales. Nobody’s perfect and that’s why we need to educate clients instead of just plain old selling.

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  • Episode 6: What words should we use?

    Episode 6: What words should we use?

    The words we use and the way we use them depend on our intended audience. They decide what’s heard, regardless of what’s said. How we communicate effectively has as much to do with what we want to say, who we are saying them to, and how much is already known about the topic. Join Bob down this journey about why words matter.

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  • Episode 5: You ought to be in video

    Episode 5: You ought to be in video

    Bob talks about using video to differentiate yourself, yes even you introverts who prefer to avoid the spotlight. He gives you some real-life steps to follow to create good videos, so you walk away with an outline of exactly what you need to do. Don’t trust Bob? Who does? He also name drops some of his favorite resources he’s used over the years.

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  • Episode 4 Co-Managed IT Services

    Episode 4 Co-Managed IT Services

    Join Bob as he interviews Simplex-IT's very own Technology Director Kevin Dutkiewicz as they break down some key aspects of Co-Managed IT (CoMITs). From figuring out how to make it all work, explaining layered access, flexibility of CoMITs, and training for techs. Bob may have written the book(s) on Co-Managed IT services, but Kevin’s the guy who actually makes it work.

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  • Episode #3: Amazon Best Seller is a Funny Thing

    Episode #3: Amazon Best Seller is a Funny Thing

    Amazon Best Selling Author, it sounds so prestigious, doesn’t it? Here’s the twist, it isn’t. A lot of it has to do with timing and luck. But that’s not why Bob set out to write his books. Listen in as Bob drops his secrets on writing his three books and achieving Amazon Best Selling Author status 3 times! Spoiler, it’s not that impressive (and neither is Bob).

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  • Episode #2: Infinite Games

    Episode #2: Infinite Games

    Join Bob Coppedge as he welcomes the IT industry’s beard boy Matt Lee to discuss the infinite game as it applies to life and business. Finite Games? We know the rules, players and goals. Infinite games? Not so much. How do Infinite games change the way we look at personal and professional life, business and cyber security? That’s the twist of this podcast.

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  • Episode #1:  Welcome To My Latest Bright Idea

    Episode #1: Welcome To My Latest Bright Idea

    Bob Coppedge introduces what you can expect from this podcast in future episodes. He talks about the topics he will cover, the featured guests he will have on, and the reasons he chose to start up a podcast. As a Cleveland native, self-described Crotchety Old Geek, and lover of learning all the things, there’s no telling where this journey is going to take him. One this is for sure though; you’ll want to be there for the ride.

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